My new job is going well, thanks for asking. I’m not going to say too much about it in case my cover gets blown and I get busted slagging it off online, but let’s just say it is a customer service role that includes a bit of old lady action. So far said old lady action has been a bit tame compared to this fond memory from my previous job, which I will present in the form of a play.
Dramatis Personae
ME, a worker drone skilfully mixing the tasks of stock replenishment and customer service
OLD LADY, selecting cucumbers, a bit frisky for an old bird
SAM, a fellow drone, just going for his lunch break
OLD MAN, pretending to choose potatoes while he eavesdrops
Act I, Scene I
A fruit shop
OLD LADY: I can't believe supermarkets chuck out cucumbers because they're not straight enough. What difference does it make?
ME: You'll take them any old way. Straight or bendy.
OLD LADY (laughing): When you get to my age you'll take what you can get.
{Enter SAM, putting his jacket on]
SAM: I'm getting a sandwich. Do you want anything while I’m out?
ME: Yeah...
OLD LADY: More importantly, do you want it straight or bendy?
ME: Erm... I’ll have it straight I think.
OLD MAN (as if talking to himself): Aye, straight in the mouth.