Shortie is ill. Again. She has a cold. Her face is red raw, two towering columns of green snot connect her nostrils to her lips, and when she lies down to sleep she hacks like an old jake.
Lynne and I have the cold too. I hadn't noticed until I went to work and suddenly realised that I felt like shit. I had been that busy with the baby that it hadn't registered.
Well, anyway, I have been looking back at this blog and I realise that with a whole chunk of time I didn't post that there are a million things I haven't told you about. (If there is actually anyone reading this and giving a fuck). How did we get the baby into her own room? When did she start nursery and what was that like? How come she likes sausages all of a sudden? Thins like that. Well, I'm working on it and will post a partial full account tomorrow.
In the meantime, I would just like to say a little something about the new breast feeding research that caused a furore last week. Shortie started eating solids about the six month mark, but I know another kid that wasn't interested in expending her diet beyond milk well into her seventh month. Someone else I know has a kid who, at three months, grabbed the banana out of her hand and started munching it. What I mean to say is that all parenting advice is just to make you feel guilty and serves no other purpose. Childcare manuals are bullshit. Just do what feels right and use your common sense. Throw those books away and be free!