Monday, 7 February 2011

Bit Short, but Look at the Quality!

I'm shit at posting on this blog.

I promised a long tale covering 3 months of baby developments, but events conspired against me. The main event was a crushing tiredness that felt as if my frontal lobes had been removed and the space packed with warm, wet cotton wool. The full story will have to wait for another day but a promise is a promise, so here are some of my personal highlights from the end of last year.
  • Shortie had her first birthday. We had a party. I wore a rubber kilt. We had fireworks in the park. Shortie cried.
  • Shortie tickles her own tummy. We ask her where her tummy is and she grabs it and says, 'Tickle, tickle, tickle.' She gets sick of this long before we do.
  • One day I told Lynne that Bjork was working on an opera about Kiwi boot polish. She believed me and went to work and told her friends about it. Har har har!