Sunday, 18 October 2009

Family Planning

I quit my job in the middle of 2008 to try and do something better with my life. Then the bottom fell of the global economy. Who would have thought that would happen? I have applied for hundreds of jobs, most of the time not even getting a rejection letter, you know the story. I have done bits and pieces of work here and there, but nothing permanent has turned up, and increasingly I have been staring out of the window with a cup of cold coffee in front of me, and talking to myself as I do the housework.

It’s not all bad. Being unemployed is a lot like being on holiday, only a holiday where you never see anything new or have any money to do anything. We are not totally skint though, my wife Lynne has a good job and she is happy to have a househusband because she hates doing the dishes. However, I draw the line at dusting. Dusting is for girls.

We have talked for years about having a baby, but never really thought too much about how it would actually work. Lynne is really happy with her career and I used to work pretty long hours and most weekends, so we let the subject slide by. But after a few months of joblessness we thought, fuck it, if I was going to be in the house doing nothing anyway, I could bring up the baby.

There was no method, no scheduled couplings, calendar watching or maths involved. We are both in our early thirties (though Lynne tells people she is twenty-six), and pretty healthy (though I am struggling to quit smoking). Lynne was pregnant in no time. There was a miscarriage, which I don’t really want to go into. It happens more often than you think, one in three early pregnancies miscarry, but lets just say the difference between relief, disappointment and grief seems to be about a week and a half.

When Lynne was pregnant again, we kept it quiet until after the twenty week scan.

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