Sunday, 29 November 2009

Cluster Feeding

At the moment we are completely baby-lead. That is the technical term for it. This means that the baby gets what it wants when it wants. The baby is too small for us to have it any other way, but it does mean that Lynne is up feeding her at all hours of the night, while the baby has a nice long sleep in the late morning/early afternoon. Not very convenient.

Lynne has been trying to express milk into bottles that we can keep in the fridge, but it needs a little more practice. This morning I fed the baby from a bottle that was in the fridge, the most plentiful expression so far, an abundant 8oml. This is not enough for the baby. Still, it keeps her quiet so that Lynne can have another half hour's sleep. It's an odd feeling, holding a suckling baby in my arms, watching her serious eyes gaze at me over the plastic curve of the bottle. It's amazing to think that anyone could be so small and helpless. So dependent on me.

The baby is having a growth spurt and wants to be fed all the time. This is aparently how it works; the baby goes through periods of 'cluster feeding', demanding milk all the time to fuel a period of growth. It lasts for a few days and then returns to normal. Until I can bottle feed this is harder on Lynne than me. On the upside, Virgin 1 is showing Unbeatable Banzuke at Jesus Christ o'clock in the morning most days. It has Brian Blessed in it. And he is dressed like this

Absolutely fantastic. Look at his shiny little codpiece. Brian is as always, really very good value. It takes a lot of front to carry off a costume like this.

My daughter is certainly getting bigger, her eyes can focus now, large and solemn, but she shows little interest in any soft toys, even ones that rattle and squeak. She likes to start the day early. She snuffles and gurgles every morning from about 6am. The temptation to check on the baby when she starts burbling is irresistable, but she is always, always just happily thrashing around in her blanket. I ignore her for as long as possible, then I get up and take her into the other room so that Lynne can sleep in peace.

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