Lynne has wanted to go to Baby Bounce and Rhyme for some weeks now, to mix with other parents and expand the baby’s horizons, introduce her to new social settings, blah blah blah, but my mind recoiled in horror at the mere name of the event. I’m funny like that, a lifelong non-participant in organised nonsense, especially if it has been given a cute name. We have a book, Brain Games For Babies, Toddlers and Twos, which contains instructions for the game of ‘Snuggle, Buggle, I Love You’. Needless to say, I will NEVER play this game.
Lynne took the baby to Bounce and Rhyme herself and I asked her to write about the experience, so here it is. Guest post!!
So the baby and I finally made it to Baby Bounce and Rhyme (or as him indoors refers to it – Baby Bump and Grind) yesterday at the library. The reason it’s taken so long to get there is that it’s on at ten thirty in the morning and getting up, organised and out for 10.30am is really quite ambitious. Though admittedly last week’s attempt was scuppered by watching the new Clangers DVD we had bought for the baby.
Anyway, we arrived a bit late so we didn’t get a book of words, but luckily most songs for babies are pretty easy to pick up, so we managed to hum/sing/make funny noises throughout. I had assumed that it would be run by a wet annoying hippy but to my joy, no! It’s run by a proper librarian who shushed people and told them off for talking during the story. Really - how rude.
There were lots of people there of various sizes and colours and, yes, there were five dads, one of whom was quite fit. (Hey! - ed.) Her babyness seemed to enjoy herself – not too fussed about ‘The Wheels On The Bus’ or ‘Incy Wincey Spider’ but she definitely enjoyed gawping at the other sproglets.
So we will go again next week.
Lynne took the baby to Bounce and Rhyme herself and I asked her to write about the experience, so here it is. Guest post!!
So the baby and I finally made it to Baby Bounce and Rhyme (or as him indoors refers to it – Baby Bump and Grind) yesterday at the library. The reason it’s taken so long to get there is that it’s on at ten thirty in the morning and getting up, organised and out for 10.30am is really quite ambitious. Though admittedly last week’s attempt was scuppered by watching the new Clangers DVD we had bought for the baby.
Anyway, we arrived a bit late so we didn’t get a book of words, but luckily most songs for babies are pretty easy to pick up, so we managed to hum/sing/make funny noises throughout. I had assumed that it would be run by a wet annoying hippy but to my joy, no! It’s run by a proper librarian who shushed people and told them off for talking during the story. Really - how rude.
There were lots of people there of various sizes and colours and, yes, there were five dads, one of whom was quite fit. (Hey! - ed.) Her babyness seemed to enjoy herself – not too fussed about ‘The Wheels On The Bus’ or ‘Incy Wincey Spider’ but she definitely enjoyed gawping at the other sproglets.
So we will go again next week.
proper librarians DO's a third year module worth 15% of that years marks.