Monday, 19 April 2010

The Threshold of Self-Propelled Gnawing

The baby cannot have any gluten or dairy products before she is six months old. She is six months old on Friday, so today we bought gluten-free baby pasta shapes from Boots. It will be much easier when we can just whiz up a bit of our dinner in the blender for her, but for now we just need to get enough food into her to make sure she doesn’t wake up hungry in the night. I cooked up a tomatoey sauce with red pepper, onion and courgette. No garlic, no herbs, and certainly no seasoning. It was all right actually, which is just as well because I made enough for a weeks’ worth of the baby’s dinners. The baby chewed her pasta shapes enthusiastically with her little pink gums.

The baby is on the verge of having a tooth. There’s a sore looking patch on her upper right gum with shiny white enamel showing through. She drools almost constantly in a thin string of clear wetness that soaks her clothes, my clothes, Lynne’s clothes, the baby’s bed, our bed, my pillow, the sofa, and all other soft furnishings that you can imagine we would have in our flat.

The tooth must move in waves, because sometimes the baby grins and chews her giraffe (whose limbs have been felted by this treatment), while other times she screams horrendously. We have some Bonjela, that aniseed horror, to soothe her tooth, but when it is irritating her she thrashes around quite a bit when we try to put it on. This means that I have to hold the back of the baby’s head with one hand while I heartlessly thrust my finger into her gob. It does the trick though.

The baby’s new trick is to roll onto her front when put down on her back. She then flails wildly, looks about smiling, or just lies face down in a puddle of her own drool. Today she hoisted her bum into the air and worked her knees as if she was trying to find a purchase on the rug. It’s time to baby-proof the flat – she’ll be crawling soon. Watch this space.

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