Monday, 31 May 2010

Rude Awakenings

I had a horrible dream last night. I dreamt that I went to the dentist and she diagnosed me with leukemia. She did this by taking me into a little office and showing me a big piece of green card with leukemia written on it in red letters. I was wondering what to do about this when I heard the baby squealing and woke up.

I sat straight upright and said, 'Hey!'

The baby looked round and smiled. She was lying on her front busy doing something that required high pitched shrieking with the corner of her blanket in her mouth. I picked her up and dumped her in the bed next to us. She saw my nipple ring and pulled a face, eyes wide and lips pursed. Its the face that usually means she wants to play with the buttons on my shirt. Nooo....

'I think she's hungry,' mumbled Lynne.
'You think I should get up and feed her?' I asked. It was 6.30am.
'I've already been up!' Lynne was as indignant as you can be with your eyes closed.

I hadn't meant it like that. I just wanted to know what to do.

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