... because it's evil. Like cigarettes. No nectar points on them either. Boycott Nestle.
I don't really like the new automated checkouts in the supermarket. I think that ringing all the stuf through the till is the shop's job, and is included in the price. If I have to do it all myself I think everything should be cheaper. And the machine is rude. It barks demands for independent approval of my alcohol purchases, and reacts with shrill suspicion at every shift in my bag's weight. I've a good mind to squat on the machine shouting, 'Unverified item in the bagging area!' at the top of my voice and see what they do then. They would have to double-bag that one, at least.
But most of all it's impersonal. The other day I was pulling the plug from the laptop out of the socket and I turned round to find the other end of the cable in the baby's mouth. Don't panic, it's a bit harder than that to electrocute yourself with the computer's power cable but it still wasn't good. Anyway the baby wasn't really interested in being told off about it.
I was telling this story to the girl at the supermarket checkout. I felt she would be a sympathetic ear as I had previously told her that I spent my days looking after the baby, and she had looked at me in horror and said, 'Babies shout a lot!' On this occasion she agreed with me that cable chewing was not an activity to be encouraged, and told me a cautionary tale about the death of her hamster. It had had a similar enthusiasm for chewing cables which had ended badly.
It took her three attempts to tell me this story, since she had her hands over her face and her shoulders were shaking. I couldn't tell if she was crying or laughing. A huge queue gathered behind me, faces angry that my social interaction was slighly inconveniencing them.....
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